Rabu, 24 Desember 2014

Native-speaker teachers and non-native speaker teachers

In some language lesson, there is a different way when the students meet their teacher from native and non-native speakers. Although the division of these teachers are same, but there are some distinctives between them. For many years an opposition has been created between native speaker teachers of english and non-native speaker teachers.
Differences among native-speaker teachers and non-native speaker teachers in language teaching are instead the teacher’s experience. Non-native speaker teacher have often the same experience or learning english as their students are now does. This gives non-native speaker teacher an understanding of what their students are going through. Meanwhile, the native speaker teachers need to explain teaching program to students  like generally because english language is their own ability that cannot understanding easily. In this case, non-native-speaker teachers have many advantages than native speaker teachers have. When non-native speaker teachers teach a group of students who speak their own native language, they able to maximise the benefit of first language and second language. On the other hand, a native speaker teachers are inability to communicate effectively with student in first language. Native speaker teachers often have the advantage of linguistic confidence with their language in the classroom which non-native speaker teachers sometimes lack for it.

Recently, both native speaker teachers and non-native speakers have the commonly things. They considerable about teaching style. The reason is they should teach a language that just have same technique and planning. They would teach basic of the principle of a teacher, this include all principle. Next, they have the same division as a teacher which is make their students good in language that they teach. It might be a goal for the teacher and the student, absolutly.

To conclude, it would have been impossible to find a single non-native speaker teacher working in a language school, so that the students wouldn’t find the opposition in the class.

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